more information.
“Birdies Fore Belize” – Sunday, May 18, 2025, EBC Golf Outing for Missions @ Rock Hollow Golf Club, 669 S 250 W, Peru, IN 46970.
4-Person Teams, 18-Hole Golf Scramble with shotgun START at 2:00 p.m. & RANGE opens at 1:00 p.m. with a maximum of 24-teams. When: Sunday, May 18
Where: Rock Hollow Golf Club, 669 S 250 W, Peru
Format: 4-Person 18 Hole Golf Scramble, shotgun starts at 2 p.m., Range opens at 1 p.m.
* Men play Rock Tees
* Women play Gold Tees
Cost: $280 per team
All entry forms must be paid to EastPointe Bible Church
Rock Hollow Grill will be open to purchase food and beverages.
Grilled items, chips, and drinks are provided by EBC at a specific location on the course. Free will donations to EBC accepted. Rock Hollow Golf Club Grill will be open during the event to also purchase other food and beverages.
We anticipate play will take around 5-hours. Registration forms are available at the EBC Connect Center. Sponsorships are available. Pick-up a sponsor sheet at the EBC Connect Center, if interested or take one to those who may sponsor our outing.
Please join in our mission to take the good news of The Gospel to Belize by supporting the 2025 “Birdies fore Belize” golf outing at Rock Hollow Golf Club. All proceeds go toward sending EastPointe’s mission team members to Belize as they teach and train local Belize pastors to spread The Gospel within their local communities.
Money raised will go to support the cost of Belize outreach, conference, mission plus travel/lodging for the EastPointe mission team members on the 2025 summer Belize mission trip,
EastPointe Bible Church (EBC) believes in the commitment to obeying the Great Commission outlined in Matthew 28:19. EBC strives to carry this out by serving foreign countries, nationally, and here in the local community of Peru and our surrounding communities. Proceeds go toward sending the team members from EastPointe to Belize as they teach and train local pastors to spread The Gospel within their community.
Contact EastPointe Bible Church at 765-473-4004, ext. 0 for more information.
Pastor Jim Butler will have multiple teaching opportunities on this 2025 Belize mission trip. See Jason Winegardner for questions, (765) 346-0257. -> Click to Sign -up online <-
Matthew 28:19-20, NASB1995 –“19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”