EastPointe HOMESCHOOL CONNECT (EHC) – Naila Carnagua, contact. Or, Contact EBC Administrative Assistants.

Meet at Eastpointe Bible Church – Learn the theme for the year, register your students, and sign up for parent responsibilities. We’re looking forward to a great year!
Please contact Naila Carnagua with any questions, naila.carnagua@gmail.com
Check EastPointe HOMESCHOOL Connect 2024-25 Schedule with Naila Carnagua

EHC is a ministry to provide enrichment and support to EBC (EastPointe Bible Church) homeschool families. We gather to glorify God, sharing our gifts, and give our children an environment of surrounded by believers in Jesus Christ that will encourage their faith and education.
General EHC Information
• Dates: First and third Fridays (September – May)
• Time: 10:00 a.m.-11:40 a.m. (non-field trip days)
• Location: EastPointe Bible Church
• Schedule: (Classroom format)
- 10:00 – 10:10 a.m. – Welcome, Verse, & Announcements
- 10:15-11:25 a.m. – Devotion, Class / Enrichment activity & Fellowship, as time allows (teacher led games or activities)
- 11:30-11:40 a.m. – Worship & Prayer
•Field Trip Days are scheduled at the beginning of the year for the entire school year. Plans vary based on location and activity. More details will be available as day & time comes near for each field trip.