-> Submit a PRAYER Request here <-

Prayer is a spiritual foundation of each believer in Christ and is a vital role of ministry in the church . It has been entrusted to believers for serving the church body, outreach discipleship, and fellowship with God. The Word and prayer are powerful to those in seeking and believe.
In Prayer – “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ” Philippians 4:6-7 NASB1995

- DIRECTION: “God even when I do not understand my situation, I thank You for Your promise to make my path clear. Even when I cannot see the way forward, You are my way through.” Proverbs 3:5-6
- STRENGTH: “Father, You promise to be with me through every difficulty, so I’m trusting You to sustain me until (and long afterwards) this hard time subsides. Thank You for Your supernatural strength for me.” Isaiah 43:2; Philippians 4:13
- PERSEVERANCE: “You said that even when I’m pressed on every side, I don’t have to despair. I can keep moving forward with confidence because You are on my side. I’m choosing to lean on You for the grace I need to keep pushing through until I see You move on my behalf.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
- TRUST: “Lord, Thank You that I don’t have to understand everything You are in control, and You know exactly what I need even before I ask. Amidst any doubts or questions, help me to trust You always and keep holding on to You through it all.” Matthew :8; Psalm 56:3-5
- HOPE: “God, my hope is in You! I’m looking to You to bring about solutions and provisions in all the ways I cannot. Help me to hold on to hope in You and expect to see Your goodness around every corner, in every situation, a purpose!” Philippians 4:19; Psalm 27:13
- JOY: “Although my heart may feel heavy, You say that Your joy is my strength! Help me to embrace this day and rejoice in it because You’ve made it, and to remember that You are in each one.” Psalm. 51:12, 118:24; Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer request form may ALSO be used to acknowledge a “PRAISE REPORT!” too.
If leaving a “PRAISE REPORT,” please, no specifics (address, full-names, etc.) of personal information & when signing, use only first name or initial. God bless & keep ~ “Hallelujah!” to our great Lord.